Monday, August 22, 2016

10 Simple Truths to Cut the Stress Out of Life

Life undeniably has a way of becoming a whirlwind at times. Add a family and a full-time job into the mix, and you've got a EF-5 tornado on your hands! Some weeks, it seems like smooth sailing and you pride yourself on your ability to multi-task and kick butt at life; other days, it feels like being trapped under a waterfall, gasping for air. Because of life's marvelous curve balls that inevitably test our will, sometimes it's not a matter of eliminating all stress, but learning to manage it and prepare ourselves for the impending rough waters.
A few weeks ago, I was enjoying a relaxing family vacation with my sweet son at the beach. Life couldn't have been more serene: we started our mornings off with sunrise yoga, took leisurely strolls along the shore collecting seashells, enjoyed daily arts & crafts and napped together every day. When we returned home to our usual routine, both Rylan and I were so out-of-whack with our schedules that it was causing him to feel frustrated and lash out and in turn, I wasn't able to process the effect that this normal toddler behavior was having on me amidst my mad scramble to catch up on my workload from my time away. We were both hitting a wall and I knew I had to do something quickly. I started putting my mindfulness reading into effect and came up with a simple list of guidelines to help combat some of the normal stressors that come with this beautiful gift called life.

1. Take time to do 15 minutes of yoga in the morning and 15 minutes at the end of the day to wind down. Not only does yoga stretch and work my muscles and limbs, but it gives me mental clarity and inner peace. 
2. Try to refrain from eating in the car. I used to always scarf down my breakfast in the car on the way to work but I realized that it only fueled that "go go go" mentality. Now I take time to sit down and eat, even if for only 5 minutes.
3. Take yourself out to eat on a lunch break at least once a week. Many of us (especially parents) never get a moment to ourselves to decompress. Give yourself that time to reflect and treat yourself, without the kids. 
4. Keep fresh flowers around the house. I cannot emphasize enough the wonders that a blooming bouquet on the kitchen table does for my soul.
5. Take a shower and wash your face before bedtime. Sometimes the days weigh so heavily on us, it's important to wash away the old day in preparation for the new.
6. Prep the night before. Whether it's packing kids lunches or ironing work clothes, the less you have to do in the morning, the less hectic your morning will be.
7. Enjoy family dinners! Not only will it give you something to look forward to all day, but it is quality family time and that is priceless!
8. Invest in a quality air purifier. Reactions to invisible allergens can cause mental fog and poor air intake (leading to fatigue). Air purifiers (including plants like ferns) will cleanse your living space in no time.
9. Limit your time on the scale. Nothing is worth the anxiety of constantly weighing yourself every morning. Go by how your body feels and how your clothes fit and check in on your weight once a week
10. Keep your sink free of dirty dishes! My anxiety levels sky rocket when I come home to a sink full of dishes or if that is the last thing I see before I go to bed. It's just one little thing to ease your mind.

I have also learned that sometimes anxiety can be caused by a deficiency of some sort. I started taking the non-essential amino acid called L-Tyrosine (supplement) and have felt my energy levels skyrocket, my anxiety levels plummet and I am hoping to boost my under-active thyroid as well! If you are feeling general lethargy and fatigue, check with your physician or naturopathic doctor to see what natural remedies would work best for you!

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