Monday, May 16, 2016

A Minute Out of Monday

In my quest to see the fireworks despite a seemingly never-ending mental fog, it dawned on me that the sparks in life originate from millions of tiny, serendipitous moments all working together to keep the blood pumping through my veins in perfect rhythm; to imprint the soft crinkles in the corners of my eyes from a lifetime of smiles; to feel that rush of warmth every time my child sets his eyes upon me; the prickling of my skin with delighted relief when I hear a song that describes the emotions that my own words have fallen short in conveying. The minutes fall like tiny, fragile snowflakes, each so intricately different but awe-inspiring as they dance in the air, suspended in time long enough to achieve a snapshot to archive in my memory bank. If I try to tangibly touch them, they completely dissipate in my eager palm so all I can do is admire their fleeting beauty with the mindfulness that they could be the last of the season, forcing me to just be in every moment…

My mind works in a way that it is physically and mentally draining for me to make small talk of any kind—I’d rather delve into the nitty-gritty; be granted the exposure to secrets that are kept only by the solace of the silent stars. So when it was suggested to me that I need to start a blog in the shallow attempt to occupy my mind from…well, my own mind…I initially felt panic about the expected hashtag overuse and mindless posts hyper-focused on the agonizing process of dying my hair the perfect shade of Pantone’s color eggplant in what I can only describe as my 30-year identity resuscitation. Maybe this blog doesn’t have to solely conform to weight loss journeys, #fashiongoals or homages to perfect parenting. Maybe this blog can also highlight those [little serendipitous] moments that often go unnoticed as we work in overdrive to beautify our own lives, only to neglect the organic splendor that exists effortlessly within each moment in time. I’m sure you will find over-embellished pictures of avocado toast, outfits-on-fleek days and a veritable shrine to my son strewn amongst my written thoughts…but maybe a glimpse into my little bubble will inspire you to share the beauty in your world with me.

"When your world moves too fast
and you lost yourself in the chaos,
introduce yourself
to each color of the sunset.
Reaquaint yourself with the earth 
beneath your feet.
Thank the air that surrounds you
with every breath you take.
Find yourself in the appreciation of life."

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