Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Call of the Wild: Mourning the Majestic Harambe

If you have any access to internet or television, or are even within earshot of my passionate rants in the breakroom concerning this issue, I am positive you have heard about the tragic death of Harambe, the 17 year old Silverback gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo. I know that the internet is ablaze with differing accounts of the incident and fired up advocates [for both Harambe's life and the child/family affected by this] are getting embroiled in this debate.
I am certainly not here to assert my fierce opinions (I have been consumed by this story since I first saw it all over my newsfeed Sunday morning) and I am not in the frame of mind to argue with the people saying, "What if it was your child?" This blog is about positivity and I can save my opinions to torture my coworkers with during my lunch break. Let's just take a minute to remember a gentle life that was lost. Rest in peace, handsome Harambe. You will forever stay in our hearts and minds. 

On a side note, I have heard an outcry of people saying, "But what about all the other causes, why are we focusing on this?" No. Let yourself feel the passion from whatever you choose to advocate for and go with it, be the change in the world. Think of the awareness for endangered species (or whatever your cause may be) that your involvement can foster. It doesn't matter what your passion is focused on, but do something productive with it and change humanity! It is not our responsibility to compare causes and tragedies in the world, but to harness the fire inside of each of us to facilitate change, step by step. Positivity in the world does not happen overnight but HOORAY YOU for igniting the spark that just may be the first step. Even if I don't share the same beliefs, I still support your enthusiasm wholeheartedly. 

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